Loving People at the Bottom
Bpop and Dao have a ministry to those at the bottom, the ones Jesus says his sheep normally care for. Jim sat down to interview them about their heart for the people of Thailand.
Bpop and Dao have a ministry to those at the bottom, the ones Jesus says his sheep normally care for. Jim sat down to interview them about their heart for the people of Thailand.
Addy Kotchakreng has been a team member at The Well for several years. He and his wife, Ann, are pastoring the newly planted church at our Connect building, called Nam Neung Gaew, which translates to “Glass of Water.” Addy shared this update and personal insights about an incident in the neighborhood this spring.
Several months ago, I reconnected with an old friend, Bill Warner, who agreed to record a conversation to introduce the idea of intentional mentoring to our friends and supporters.
When his philosophy professors taught Vishal Mangalwadi that there was no ultimate truth, he decided to look for it. The Book That Made Your World details his conclusion from history that the Bible has positively influenced the world far more than any other source.
In Thailand, where churches are few and personal schedules busy, pastors need to put personal discipleship ahead of everything, even Sunday morning gatherings.
Ever so often, I open Google Earth and explore some remote place, perhaps Illinois, Iowa, or Patagonia, imagining living there until the end of my days. It invokes a feeling of longing, not unlike John’s island in The Pilgrim’s Regress. Judy and I would live… Read More »We Can’t Quit Now
Join some friends of ours in praying for those enslaved.
Lorem Ipsum was a dog who thought he was a frog, but really he thought he was a prince.
A nineteenth-century poem, attributed to George MacDonald, depicts the dilemma of the call to follow Jesus to hard places, or remain safe and comfortable.
Ever since God turned his youth from disaster to success, Addy Kotchakreng has had a burden to help other kids lacking opportunity.